Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources - Lab Package
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $32,127.23
This package includes one or more of the following (call or email us for specifics, special pricing, and quotes):
- Aprons
- Balance
- Baster
- Beaker (various sizes)
- Beaker Tongs
- Bunsen Burners (for LP gas)
- Centrifuge tubes
- Dissecting Kit for Zoology
- Dissection Kits
- Dissectograms (frog, fish, pig)
- Dissenfecting Trays
- Erlenmeyer Flasks (various sizes)
- Flask Tongs
- Forceps
- Chemical Resistant Gloves
- Chemical Splash Goggles
- Graduated Cylinder
- Hot plate
- Micro-Pipette
- Microscope Lens
- Microscope Slides
- Microscope Slide Covers
- Mortar
- Pipettor
- Ring Stand Lamps
- Rubber Stoppers
- Engineering Scales
- Scalpel
- Sling Psychrometer
- Stirring Rods
- Stopwatch
- Student Labware Kit
- Test Tube Brush
- Test Tube Caps
- Test Tube Holder
- Test Tube Rack
- Test Tubes
- Utility Tongs
- Autoclave
- Electronic Balance
- Centrifuge
- Draining and Drying Rack
- Incubator
- Laminar Flow Hood with UV light
- Stereo Microscope
- Dissecting Microscope
- Stirring Unit
- Vacuum Desiccator