Health Science Equipment Packages

Building a new program area can require a lot of equipment.  We're here to help.  Not only can we provide guidance, but depending on the order and your needs, we can warehouse your purchase until you're ready for it.  At that point we can deliver, unload, assemble, and install what you've bought!

Use the list below to see our various equipment packages:


Health Science - Basic Patient Care
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $347.51
Health Science - Advanced Patient Care
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $5,447.32
Health Science - Medical Lab Equipment
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $1,503.14
Health Science - Slides of Blood Smears
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $336.46
Health Science - Advanced Instruments
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $4,638.38
Health Science - Models and Manikins
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $9,277.39
Health Science - Exam Room Equipment
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $4,486.83
Health Science - Patient Room Equipment
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $9,135.00
Health Science - First Aid
Learning Labs, Inc.
Regular price $1,855.81
Isolation Cart
Regular price $1,678.57